Our directory of services is built differently.
We know that a single organisation may have different services, for different audiences, at different places, at different times.
People want to know who is providing the service, and this is the Organisation. We need the
organisation name
admin contacts
purpose, mission, or function
Many organisations do different things, for different audiences. A charity might
support children with their needs
give advice to parents
train SEND professionals
One time Events and Recurring Events tell people the place and time that things happen. This might be
regular weekly meetings
an online webinar
a drop in centre
One of the principles of the SEND Local Offer is "Up to date".
It's hard work.
We try to make it easier with a review system that reminds people to check their listings.
By building Events into the Directory, admins of Organisations are more likely to check that things are correct.
And as part of the poppop Content Service, we can help you make sure everything is up to date.