In this first edition of the Mainstream Inclusion Resources newsletter, I'm going to look at the principle "Accessible". There are 5 principles in the SEND Code of Practice, which I remember by "ACCTUp".
Accessible, Collaborative, Comprehensive, Transparent, and Up to date.
We can think of "Accessible" as
Meeting web accessibility standards
All public sector websites must meet WCAG standards. As SEND professionals we want to encourage people with SEND to be able to work with us. Your web team handles technical parts like colour contrast and working with screen readers. As content writers we need to
- write clear headings that help users scan pages
- use plain English that everyone understands
- add text descriptions for all images
- provide captions and transcripts for videos
- publish content in HTML rather than PDFs or Word documents
Opening up information benefits everyone
Making resources open helps teachers and Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCOs) work better with families. When parents and carers can see the same information as school staff, they can support their children's learning more effectively.
Learning together at school
Making resources easy to use
If a SENCO or teacher is looking for a solution to a specific problem, it should be
- easy to find
- easy to understand
- easy to implement
Building a resource directory
With Calderdale Council, we're working on a database of resources. It'll transform the way teachers can find and use resources for learners with SEND. No more hunting for the right PDF. No more broken links. Just a simple, searchable directory of resources.